Breach Days: Equifax and Beyond (updated)

When this post first appeared last summer, we called it “The Breach Days of August,” sounding various alarums from what had…

SID, the Fed, and EMVs

In payments news, we see that the Fed has issued a progress report on its previously announced “Strategies for Improving the US Payment System”…

1 in 3 Hit By Hacks; U.S. Near Top Due to Slow EMV Adoption

A recent study by ACI Worldwide and the Aite Group has found that upwards of 30% of global consumers have been victims of some type card fraud in the past five years. Statistically then, this has happened…

Scam Alert Warning, Pt. I: Phony EMV “Invoices” and All-Too-Real Skimmers

Unfortunately, both this week and next, we have a couple of scams affecting merchants to warn you about, either trying to pry money out of merchants directly…

Invisible Hands and Lax Security: The Ongoing Push for EMV Adoption

“‘My dry cleaner isn’t worried about someone using counterfeit cards at his cash register,’ he said, noting that many businesses meanwhile discount the chances…

VISA Revenue Up and So Is Chip Card Use — Along With Fraud Costs

An array of studies reveal interesting new “market metrics” for the economy, at least from the payment card side of the equation. Visa revenue in Europe is up 25% — to an all time high, as reports.

Of EMVs and Jackpots: Your Powerball Ticket Doesn’t Need a Chip — but Your Card Does

According to Forbes, “the hype around the Powerball far exceeds any market news this week,” and who are we to argue? Up through yesterday’s drawing, even number-crunching agreed…

International Blog Post Edition: Singles Day & MasterCard’s Global Liability

There’s a “quickening” at year’s end, with all the preparations, travels, gatherings, and, of course, sales and transactions that mark the season, and much of the particular corner of it that we cover here.

This is the week — EMV is here!

And so, after weeks, months — years? — of writing about the coming “EMV standard” in this space — that switch to the chipped “Europay Mastercard Visa” card already…