Things To Know About Merchant Cash Advances

Things To Know About Merchant Cash Advances

Things To Know About Merchant Cash Advances

Boost Your Financial Outlook with Merchant Cash Advances

Despite reports of our recovering economy, many small businesses are still feeling the effects of a retail landscape that is constantly changing. Rather than feeling financially solvent, they find that they are one misstep away from disaster.

Likewise, when some businesses do face challenges, such as facility improvements, inventory shortages, or simple slow-downs, they don’t know where to turn. They could seek out traditional loans, but feel uncertain that they can meet the terms and the timelines required.

If your business is anticipating financial struggles, AVPS wants you to know that you do have an alternative:

A Merchant Cash Advance.

What you need to know about merchant cash advances is that they are very different from traditional loans, and securing a merchant account cash advance is much easier than you think. With a loan, you must make regular, fixed payments regardless of how your business is doing. How a merchant cash advance works, on the other hand, involves paying back your advance directly at the point of sale. With every credit transaction, your lender deducts a small percentage of your processing fee as payment toward your advance. This way, you can pay over time, using your sales rather than strain your financial solvency with fixed payments in uncertain times.

At AVPS, we believe in giving businesses the support they need, because we understand that their economic standing is never black-and-white. The unexpected happens, or even the most successful model falls under unexplained slow periods. So much can go wrong, but we believe that with help and support, our clients can overcome and move forward to success and prosperity.

If you would like more information about merchant cash advances, contact AVPS and let us show you how these financial strategies can help.

