
Our Blogs

Dealing with Showrooming
Sometimes this happens with the newfangled habit of “showrooming.” We’ve written about it here before, and as a merchant with
Young Adults Credit
A few weeks back, we mentioned some conflicting reports on young adults and their use of credit.  On the one
Consumer Spending and Payment Method
One the one hand, we like to tout February as a “second season” to attract shoppers, after the holidays —
Credit Card Dispute
Suddenly,  there are news stories about credit card disputes everywhere. Fox Business had one about consumer complaints, but those aren’t
Swipe Fee Distribution
The Strawhecker Group is an advisory/consulting group for us in the Payments Industry. And they’ve recently come up with a
2024 Sales Tax Updates
As part of our ongoing efforts to keep you updated on how saying the phrase “just charge it!” is changing
A new survey by the National Retail Federation says that American’s will spend more than $18 billion on Valentine’s Day,
Credit Card Fee
We’ve been striving to update you on the fallout from last autumn’s credit card fee settlement from the lawsuit where
Super Bowl Spending
The National Retail Federation is out with their annual survey to estimate the breadth and depth of consumer spending for