New Fintech Rules? The Yin and the Yang

Along with all the turmoil occupying our headlines these days, comes some under-the-radar discussion of potential new rules that could affect the financial sector…

SID, the Fed, and EMVs

In payments news, we see that the Fed has issued a progress report on its previously announced “Strategies for Improving the US Payment System”…

Hacks Happening! But AVPS and SID Can Help!

We knew we’d have some “breachy” news to report this month — we always do — but little did we know how much! For starters…

Breaches Predicted; Help is Coming

The CIO website is rife with predictions on coming cyber threats and data breaches for the coming year, laid out across several different articles.

Happy New Year! And In A Time of Breaches, “SID” Is Coming!

Of course, just because the calendar changes, that doesn’t mean the issues, ideas, and economic trends of the previous year suddenly “go away” either.

Feds Raise Rates — Will Consumers Move to Debit?

In the world of revolving credit and saying ‘charge it,” the big news this week is that the Federal Reserve has gone ahead and hiked interest rates.

Holiday Card Safety While EMV Gets Pushed 3 Xmases Ahead

‘This the season when cards are pulled in and out of wallets and purses, used online and off, in a flurry of activity — as anyone who might…

Post-Monday Postmortem: More Now Shopping Online

And… we’re back! Still in mid-holiday season, and yet perched between Thanksgiving and that last round of Christmas/Hanukkah/New Year celebrating.

Giving Thanks, Eating Pie, Logging On: Thanksgiving 2023

Historians, according to a round-up of Thanksgiving facts from the U.S. Census Bureau, recorded other “ceremonies of thanks” given by various groups of…