PCI Sets New Security Standards – Gets Surprising Pushback

As the Finextra website reminds us, “merchants and other businesses globally use ‘PA-DSS Validated’ software to ensure they can safely accept payments, both in-store and online.”

EMV’s Slow Rollout — Viewed from the Hudson River Valley

Last spring, around this travel-y time of year, we had just gotten back from Europe, and reported from the land of EMV use (that’s where the “E” in those initials comes from!) about how customers were adapting to inserting their cards…

Payment Solutions for Sole Proprietors—AVPS Can Help Grow Your Business

Sole proprietor businesses help drive our economy, and make up an incredibly diverse pool of talents across all industries. From personal trainers to writers, housekeepers to consultants, independent entrepreneurs…

Economic Green Lights, as Summer Travel Plans a “Go!”

Memorial Day is here, and it’s once again time for our annual(ish) look on what the unofficial kickoff to summer means in terms of economic trends, etc.

Summer Security Check-Up—How to Avoid Common Pitfalls During Busy Seasons

With summer just around the corner, it’s time for all businesses to have a security check-up when it comes to their payment…

Senator Sets Sights on Slow EMV Rollout

We’ve reported here not only on the coming of EMV standards to American debit and credit cards — those “extra” chips that create unique codes for each sale…

A Snapshot of EMV Compliance in Action—Cautionary Tales of Disparity and Misinformation

We all know that EMV chip cards are now the gold standard for secure payment processing, and Advanced Payment Solutions has long been educating…

Payment Processing Fees—How Do They Fit Into Your New Business Model?

As a new business owner, you know that the logistics of getting your business up and running raise many questions. Likewise, you’re learning about merchant…

NerdWallet and NASDAQ on the Wise Use of Credit Cards

We often hear that too much use of credit cards — as opposed to debit card use — is a sign of household budgetary woes, and eventual drowning under unmanageable interest.