Senator Sets Sights on Slow EMV Rollout

We’ve reported here not only on the coming of EMV standards to American debit and credit cards — those “extra” chips that create unique codes for each sale…

A Snapshot of EMV Compliance in Action—Cautionary Tales of Disparity and Misinformation

We all know that EMV chip cards are now the gold standard for secure payment processing, and Advanced Payment Solutions has long been educating…

Here Are EMV Quick Chips

There have been various impediments to the adoption of an EMV standard here in America — that extra chip on a credit or debit card that assigns every transaction a unique code, preventing the re-use of information…

Report: ATM “Skimming” Up over 500% (!)

In another sobering reminder that the conveniences of electronic banking and payments bring their own unique risks, a report is out from the FICO folks — yes, those same people who so imperfectly…

The SF Fed on Fintech: Payments, Banking, to Keep Evolving

“While fintech can also improve not just the accessibility but the quality of service—something that consumers are demanding—we also need to look out for the…

The Security vs. Freedom Debate: Payment Card Style!

“Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither,” Ben Franklin once famously remarked. The question is whether the famously frugal Mr. Franklin would be happy knowing that most customers today…

Still Behind the Curve on EMV Chip Processing? Why Your Business Can’t Afford to Procrastinate

Though gas stations received an extension for the EMV liability shift, AVP Solutions is still seeing far too many businesses dragging their feet on upgrading their equipment…

Avoiding the EMV Chip Processor Upgrade? Why You’re Gambling With Your Business’s Future

With the movement toward secure payment processing via EMV chip cards, many small businesses are still resisting the required…

Invisible Hands and Lax Security: The Ongoing Push for EMV Adoption

“‘My dry cleaner isn’t worried about someone using counterfeit cards at his cash register,’ he said, noting that many businesses meanwhile discount the chances…