All Time High was a good name for a James Bond film theme. But it’s an unwelcome descriptor for a trend in data breaches…
Category: Fintech
Record “Green” Predicted for St. Paddy’s Day Spending on Other Side of Rainbow
As the above-linked summary states, “spending for St. Patrick’s Day is expected to reach $5.3 billion, an all-time high in the survey’s 13-year history.
New Fintech Rules? The Yin and the Yang
Along with all the turmoil occupying our headlines these days, comes some under-the-radar discussion of potential new rules that could affect the financial sector…
Two Things Growing: Smart Card Use, and Retailer Resistance
Fall is usually viewed as harvest season, where the crops grown over summer are brought in and stored for winter.
Pushmi-pullyu: Payments on the Coming “Internet of Things”
The “Pushmi-pullyu” is, of course, a llama-like character from the Dr. Doolittle books and films — one with heads on either end…
Increasingly Cashless in an Age of “Big Hacks”
We never want our posts to be about hacks or data breaches two or more weeks running. But as most of us find out, when checking the climate-shifted weather…
1 in 3 Hit By Hacks; U.S. Near Top Due to Slow EMV Adoption
A recent study by ACI Worldwide and the Aite Group has found that upwards of 30% of global consumers have been victims of some type card fraud in the past five years. Statistically then, this has happened…
Brexit Signs: How the Vote Might Affect Payment Cards
True, Britain has always kept its Pound, as far as currency, so has no “Euro” to give up. But as a country that was part of the “E” of those “EMV” standards we keep writing about…
EMV’s Slow Rollout — Viewed from the Hudson River Valley
Last spring, around this travel-y time of year, we had just gotten back from Europe, and reported from the land of EMV use (that’s where the “E” in those initials comes from!) about how customers were adapting to inserting their cards…