Christmas in Summer? Why Unconventionally Smart Planning and Marketing Can Help Your Business Grow

Christmas in Summer Marketing

Christmas in Summer? Why Unconventionally Smart Planning and Marketing Can Help Your Business Grow


Christmas in July? These words strike fear in the hearts of procrastinators everywhere. The potential is evident across various platforms, ranging from television shopping channels to cable movie providers. Clever businesses adeptly leverage the notion of holiday planning and nostalgia, commonly referred to as “Christmas in Summer marketing.”

The Benefits of a Christmas in Summer Strategy

By embracing a Christmas in Summer marketing strategy, your business may discover a very surprising boost. First, those early-bird planners typically have more flexible budgets. Without the budget-busting season staring them in the face, they are more inclined to splurge on gifts or other seasonal items. Second, the heat and drudgery of the season propels shoppers to embrace the nostalgia of those cozy, cold winter celebrations. With the right approach, your business can make the most of the late-summer shopper who is waiting anxiously for the cool and fun of autumn and winter.

Gaining an Edge with Off-Season Marketing

By mid-October, large corporations will flood the airwaves with holiday-themed advertisements. How can your small business compete with this tidal wave of expensive marketing? It is highly improbable for you to compete with mega-retailers who possess substantial budgets advertising campaigns.

Partner with AVPS for Optimal Sales Seasons

AVPS is unwavering in our commitment to empowering you to optimize your operations and achieve remarkable success in every sales season. Our comprehensive review of your credit card transaction security ensures that your business is fully equipped and well-prepared to tackle this pivotal period characterized by increased risk. Contact our representatives to learn more about how we can help you transform your off-season into the best quarter yet with our merchant account solutions.