The Federal Reserve has issued the 2015 edition of its Consumers and Mobile Finances report. Among the findings, as reported by “Digital Transactions,” are that “the number of mobile-payments users in the United States is growing steadily, but most mobile-phone owners still find other payment methods more convenient.”
Tag: Credit card merchant services
Plastic Sleeves and Radio Chips: Simple Protections for RFID Cards
As the news keeps making clear, changes are coming to what exactly it means when a customer says “charge it!” There are smart wallets, phones-as-credit cards, and more.
It Was Originally Going to Be the Second of July!
As we head toward our big midsummer celebration, remember that if John Adams had been right, you’d be celebrating two days earlier!
On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress legally separated itself from Great Britain. President-to-be John Adams wrote to his wife that the “second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America.
Valentine’s Day Spending Hits New Highs in 2024
A new survey by the National Retail Federation says that American’s will spend more than $18 billion on Valentine’s Day, making it one of our “spendiest” holidays, close on the heels of Christmas and Halloween. According to the NRF, the average outlay will be around $130 a person — a $5 uptick from last year, though the “average” for men actually clocks in at around $176, while for women it hovers around $90.
How Will Credit Card Fee Changes Affect Consumer Credit Card Use?
Or will they? As a follow-up to last week’s post about the late-in-the-year settlement on card fees, and how those might affect both merchants and consumers, comes this additional item in the Washington Post.
The History — and Future– of Credit Cards
The New Year’s cusp is always a good time for looking both forwards – -and backwards. Especially when one considers how fast the whole passing parade… passes by! For some colorful holiday reading about the history of credit cards, we refer you this article by Bloomberg, on a Christmas-season “fiasco” occasioned by Chicago banks, getting into the then-new credit card biz.
Internet Merchant Bank Account Fees: An Overview
To say the Internet is the new marketplace is an understatement. More accurately, it is the new global marketplace—a place that any merchant can be a part of with the help of an independent selling organization (ISO). The accounts provided by ISOs are bank accounts that allow merchants to accept and process debit, credit, and check payments, whether in store, on the go, or online. For many businesses, an online account is the most lucrative, as it reaches customers globally. Nevertheless, like all merchant accounts, an online account involves fees; seven of those fees are profiled below.
Merchant Point of Sale Processing: Understanding Contactless Payment
For a long time, businesses needed to use terminals that required card-swiping or insertion for card payments. Nowadays, transactions at…
Merchant Account Processors: Frequently Asked Questions
To succeed today, merchants need merchant accounts. These accounts can come from banks or independent sales organizations (ISOs). However, many…