SID, the Fed, and EMVs

In payments news, we see that the Fed has issued a progress report on its previously announced “Strategies for Improving the US Payment System”…

Hacks Happening! But AVPS and SID Can Help!

We knew we’d have some “breachy” news to report this month — we always do — but little did we know how much! For starters…

Breaches Predicted; Help is Coming

The CIO website is rife with predictions on coming cyber threats and data breaches for the coming year, laid out across several different articles.

Happy New Year! And In A Time of Breaches, “SID” Is Coming!

Of course, just because the calendar changes, that doesn’t mean the issues, ideas, and economic trends of the previous year suddenly “go away” either.

Increasingly Cashless in an Age of “Big Hacks”

We never want our posts to be about hacks or data breaches two or more weeks running. But as most of us find out, when checking the climate-shifted weather…

PCI Develops Payment Security Resources For Small Businesses

As their recent press announcement puts it: “small businesses around the world are increasingly at risk for payment data theft. Nearly half of cyber attacks worldwide…

Scam Alert, Pt. II:  How to Protect Against Skimmers

Last week, we mentioned a rash of phony invoices that are being sent by companies alleging to help with EMV upgrades, along with some preliminary advice on how…

Scam Alert Warning, Pt. I: Phony EMV “Invoices” and All-Too-Real Skimmers

Unfortunately, both this week and next, we have a couple of scams affecting merchants to warn you about, either trying to pry money out of merchants directly…

Email Breaches, the Connection to Same-Day ACH and a little “PCI”

Unfortunately, we have more “breaching” to report this week: As Reuters reports, “hundreds of millions of hacked user names and passwords for email accounts…