Payment Times Keep A-Changin’ – New Technologies, Shifting Consumer Trends

The payments news cycle is once again filled with predictable data breaches (both of the IRS and even less discreet varieties), and we hope being a regular reader of these updates has somewhat indemnified you…

The Week in Breaches: Safety Quiz, Expert Advice, Company Liability

The Week in Breaches: Safety Quiz, Expert Advice, Company Liability Introduction Breaches and hacks have once again filled the “electronic…

The CFPB Wants You! (To Have Faster Payments, And More Protection)

Earlier this month, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (or CFPB) issued its 9 “Guiding Principles” for faster payments, and payment protection. As they bureau states, they “want to ensure any new payment systems are secure, transparent, accessible, and affordable to consumers. The systems should also have robust protections when it comes to fraud and error resolution.”

Solstice Roundup: EMV Transitions, Watch Your Samsung, and… Emojis!

Summer solstice will be here before we can even get next week’s blog post up!  So even though temperatures here in AVPS’ neighborhood are already hitting triple digits, let’s officially welcome the season of beach-going, travel adventures, and more.

Smart Cards, Smarter Passwords

The nature of payments, and how they’re made, continues to change — whether credit, debit, or prepaid. Payments continue to move from one digital platform to the next, sometimes leaving customers wondering if making any of the changes are worth it, or if something even newer will come along first.

Old Hacks, New Payments

It’s a long, fascinating moment of transition in the world of payments — and for payments around the world.  That changing landscape includes virtual wallets, growing P2P payments, and ways to make existing platforms more secure — as with the EMV standards coming to American payment cards this fall.

May Day, Pt. II: More Tips For Keeping Your POS Devices Safe In a Malware World

Last week, we talked about the RawPOS Malware that has been affecting Windows-based point-of-sale devices, and we passed along some tips for upgrading, and guarding, against such attacks on you, and your customers. This week, we finish up our “pointers” for helping you keep all your gear secure. Here are both “the basics,” and a little beyond the “basics,” to maximize transaction security:

There and Back Again! Plus: Is Your Password As Strong as the Dollar?

As we mentioned before, we’ve been getting some brush-ups — a lot of digital brush-ups – -done to the AVPS website. Much as you can’t drive your car around when it’s in the shop, we haven’t been able to blog on our same schedule while our web presence is made more secure and more visually friendly to mobile devices.

And… We’re Back! In Time for “FMI vs. EMV,” Plus: Travel News!

Hello faithful blog readers and connoisseurs of financial news and credit card insights. As you may have noticed, we had an “outage” on our web page’s blog for a few days — late last week and earlier this week.