As you may have seen in last week’s newsletter, we mentioned that in addition to the holiday revelry, and holiday sales, your business is enjoying, you’ll also want to be careful of a potential uptick in fraud and hackery in your business’ databases and Point-of-Sale devices.
Tag: payment security
President Signs “BuySecure” Initiative For Consumer Card Fraud Protection
With data breaches become weekly occurances (if not more — the latest chain to be hit since our last post is Staples), the White House has attempted to step into the “breach” itself, with the signing of a new executive order that is part of a larger “BuySecure” initiative.
MasterCard Tips, the Final Chapter (Pt. III)
“First there was Heartbleed, then Shellshock, and now Poodle, yet another serious security vulnerability in yet another widely used piece of software that went unnoticed for years.”
MasterCard Tips on Protecting Yourself — Pt. II
Since we last posted, J.P. Morgan and other banks have joined the “honor roll” of institutions which have been hacked, and had information stolen. According to a recent overview of headline-making hacks in the Washington Post, “J.P. Morgan Chase& Co., America’s largest bank, reassured its customers by saying that there was no evidence that account information, such as passwords and Social Security numbers was compromised.” OK, good. What was compromised? “Names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of account holders were accessed.”
MasterCard’s Tips On Protecting Yourself During “Bug” Season — Pt. I
If you’re talking about the internet, online transactions, and electronic payments, unfortunately, you don’t have to wait for winter for it to be “bug” season – there are always plenty of “viruses” and contagions to command your interest!
Payments Changing, Consumers Protecting Themselves in Wake of Home Depot Breach
This week, as we officially roll into Fall — and head toward October — we have follow-ups and previews. We’re following up on the massive Home Depot card data breach we reported on earlier, since the first reports are coming in on fraudulent charges being made to some of the scooped-up accounts. “Fraudulent transactions are showing up across the U.S. as criminals use stolen card information to buy prepaid cards, electronics and even groceries,” according to the Wall Street Journal.
After the Black Hats: Customers Keep Flocking to Online, But Keep An Eye on USBs
As reported last week, the Black Hat conference in Vegas has come and gone, and left us with an array of news on security threats both tangible, and theoretical. You can find a good round up of this year’s “greatest hits” for the security conference, in this overview from PC World.
Black Hat Roundup: Goodwill, A Billion Passwords, and other “Hacker” News
Well, it’s time for the annual “Black Hat” conference in Las Vegas, which is actually a conference run by “white hats” to discuss security breaches in our wired world, and to share knowledge of any breaches or security lapses they’ve discovered before the real “black hats” do.
A Handy AVPS Guide to Point-of-Sale Security, Pt. II: Mitigation & Protection
Last week, we mentioned card issuer alerts calling for more vigilance on the part of merchants to “shore up” their Point-of-Sale systems, in an age of increased hacking, breaches, and network intrusion. This lack of security has resulted in some unfortunately spectacular “virtual break-ins,” like the Target breach and the ones that followed, resulting in the information for millions of customers being pilfered, compromised, and sold not only to the “highest bidder,” but to whoever meets the price of those vending the data.