Labor Day and Birthdays: Drivers Head Out, Gas Heads Down, and Visa Checkout Serves Cake

Labor Day and Birthdays: Drivers Head Out, Gas Heads Down, and Visa Checkout Serves Cake

Labor Day and Birthdays: Drivers Head Out, Gas Heads Down, and Visa Checkout Serves Cake

Though the thermometer readings around the American West insist otherwise, the end of summer has come with Labor’s Day arrival with visa checkout celebrates, and the flipping of the calendar page from August to September.

labor-day-vintage-postage-stamp-print-andy-prendyWalmart is Already Selling Christmas Toys

Schools are in full bloom, and Walmart is already selling Christmas toys — starting its layaway program two weeks earlier than last year (“Walmart’s layaway program coincides with its Toy Week, which allows customers to get a glimpse of the top toys of the holidays chosen by children.” According to one of Walmart’s own VPs, “outside of the holiday season, we could be looking at the biggest week of 2015 toys.”)

Some of that toy fervor will be driven by the early launch of toys associated with “The Force Awakens,” though another “force” affecting consumer sentiment — outside the roiling stock market — is markedly lower gas prices.

According to a AAA Survey

Survey says, Holiday road trippers are expected “to pay the lowest Labor Day weekend prices for gasoline since 2004.”

Acquire Visa Checkout Through

As we mentioned in this space earlier, you can now acquire Visa Checkout through AVPS. The service recently celebrated its first birthday, announcing it now has “6 million registered users, and enrollment, they say, has been climbing at about 30 percent per month this summer. All in, registered user signups have increased 92 percent since 2015 began.”labor-day-vintage-postage-stamp-print-andy-prendy

Chris Curtin, Visa’s CMO and chief digital and innovation officer, spoke to the website on the occasion of the service’s “Cake Day,” saying “we’re thrilled to partner with some of the largest merchants on the Web. And the momentum continues at a high level as we see acceptance and enrollments grow on a global scale.”

Curtin goes on to say “‘consumers love [Checkout], too,’… citing checkout times that are ‘22 percent faster’ through using the service.”

Have we Mentioned that Checkout is Free to Add?

Well — it’s free. That’s even less than the cost of a Star Wars toy, or a gallon of gas!

Fall is here, and moving fast. Let us help you get ready. But first — it’s okay to slow down, linger, and enjoy that last Labor Day Picnic, too…