Brexit Signs: How the Vote Might Affect Payment Cards

True, Britain has always kept its Pound, as far as currency, so has no “Euro” to give up. But as a country that was part of the “E” of those “EMV” standards we keep writing about…

6 Tips For Creating A Successful E-Commerce

E-commerce allows people to turn their passions into thriving businesses, giving them a way to connect with customers from around the world.

Preparing Seasonal Business Merchant Accounts Processing

Small, seasonal businesses enrich our communities and provide valuable contributions to local economies. However, this unique business model can be…

Scam Alert, Pt. II:  How to Protect Against Skimmers

Last week, we mentioned a rash of phony invoices that are being sent by companies alleging to help with EMV upgrades, along with some preliminary advice on how…

Scam Alert Warning, Pt. I: Phony EMV “Invoices” and All-Too-Real Skimmers

Unfortunately, both this week and next, we have a couple of scams affecting merchants to warn you about, either trying to pry money out of merchants directly…

Let AVPS Help Your Payment Processing Grow With You

However, how do you know what equipment you need, or how it will integrate into your day-to-day operations? Whether you need on-site solutions, mobile processing utilities, or payment…

Credit Card Security and Your Vacation

Summer is the busiest travel season, but it’s also a time when credit card transaction security risk is on the rise. If you’re planning your seasonal vacation, you need to take some basic precautions…

PCI Sets New Security Standards – Gets Surprising Pushback

As the Finextra website reminds us, “merchants and other businesses globally use ‘PA-DSS Validated’ software to ensure they can safely accept payments, both in-store and online.”

EMV’s Slow Rollout — Viewed from the Hudson River Valley

Last spring, around this travel-y time of year, we had just gotten back from Europe, and reported from the land of EMV use (that’s where the “E” in those initials comes from!) about how customers were adapting to inserting their cards…