The New Year’s cusp is always a good time for looking both forwards – -and backwards. Especially when one considers how fast the whole passing parade… passes by! For some colorful holiday reading about the history of credit cards, we refer you this article by Bloomberg, on a Christmas-season “fiasco” occasioned by Chicago banks, getting into the then-new credit card biz.
Month: August 2017
More Prepaid, More Credit: A Peek Into the New Year
More Prepaid, More Credit: A Peek Into the New Year Financial trends 2023, as we bid farewell to 2023 and…
Black Friday and Cyber Monday Span Increasingly “Mobile” Weekend
The trendlines — not to be confused with the weekend’s expanding waistlines! — are in, and changing shopping patterns, and evidence of a slowly recovering economy, were both apparent over the long holiday weekend.
Pilgrim Economy: No cash, just carry!
Pilgrim Economy: No Cash, Just Carry! Celebrating Thanksgiving: A Time for Gratitude Here at AVPS, we wish you a Happy…
If You Want Your Business to Grow, Online Is the Only Way to Go
These days, many successful businesses have an online component. Even traditionally brick and mortar establishments are jumping into the online world to increase their sales potential and their customer base. With so much of life happening in an online world these days, it’s a good idea for even the smallest business to have an online presence so that customers can find them. One way to grow your online business is to offer your customers a wide variety of payment options. This includes not only credit card transactions, but also the ability to accept checks online. Many customers today want to pay by check, and giving them the option can give you a much needed edge over the competition.