
Our Blogs

Think Beyond the Storefront—How Mobile Processing Can Expand Your Customer Base
While your brick-and-mortar business has been moderately successful, you may need to re-think how you approach expanding your customer base.
With the internet flooded with e-commerce businesses, you need to focus on marketing and growing your brand in order to
Has “The Future” of Payments Arrived?
For those of you watching your memes and social networks, this week marked Back to the Future Day, that October
Credit Offices Going through Changes, Difficulties
Your FICO score: As an individual, it determines your “creditworthiness.” Your personal score can even sometimes affect getting business credit,
Starting a New Business? You Need a Merchant Account
When starting a new business, you need to establish a merchant account that will allow you accept and process payments.
cybersecurity breaches
Experian is one of the three main credit reporting agencies whose reporting affects your FICO score as an individual. They
This is the week — EMV is here!
And so, after weeks, months — years? — of writing about the coming “EMV standard” in this space — that
Mobile Payment Solutions For Mobile Businesses
Whether you operate an up-and-coming food truck, or are a dedicated fixture at craft fairs, you know that operating a
Season of Reasons — To Offer Credit, and to Use It
We’ve now officially entered autumn — L.A. weather notwithstanding — and soon enough, it will be time to start makin’…