
Our Blogs

Securing a merchant account for a new business can be tedious, frustrating, and sometimes fruitless. Many financial institutions simply don’t
A website merchant account allows you to accept payments online. Just like in a store, people need to be able
The push for those chip-carrying EMV cards, which would make it more difficult for fraudulent transactions to occur, continues apace.
Mobile phone credit card processing has been growing leaps and bounds over the last year or two. Brick and mortar
Accept Checks Online
Every business needs to be able to accept checks as a form of payment, even if the business sells products
With Memorial Day, summer’s first “bookend” arrives, for a season that marks its midpoint with the 4th of July, and
Last week, we reported on findings that consumer confidence was on the rise, and this week, we have some tangible
To process and manage your business transactions, you need to secure business merchant services from a reputable merchant account company.
An interesting array of tea leaves to read and report on this week. The first “leaf batch” comes from the