Why Your Business Needs Online Shopping


Why Your Business Needs Online Shopping

Benefits of Having a Merchant Account for your Businesses

We all want to support local businesses, but we also have become attached to the convenience of online shopping. This utility goes far beyond cost savings and ease—it’s allowing people to find unique products, too. Additionally, people who find it difficult to navigate in-store shopping, like the elderly, parents of small children, or those with limited mobility, find that online options offer the best way to get the things they need. While the growth of online shopping offers incredible opportunities, it’s also hurting many small businesses that provide valuable contributions to their local communities. They simply can’t compete with businesses capitalizing on our affection for the comfort and convenience of online shopping.

If you’re a small business, adding a website to your operations is absolutely essential in today’s economy.

People look to the internet not just to shop; they use it as a utility to discover what products are out there, and to compare and contrast. But they also see what’s available locally, which can help drive traffic to your brick-and-mortar location. Your website also connects you to potential customers around the world, which can open up entire new markets for your products or services.

AVPS: Helping Small Businesses Grow

At AVPS, we help small businesses grow by providing internet merchant accounts and payment processing solutions for their websites. From the ability to accept checks online to secure credit card processing, we have the tools you need to create a seamless and functional online storefront. Our online payment services allow you to create a fully functional website for your business that, in turn, lets you  offer your goods or services to both local and national customers.

Three Main Concerns for Online Customers

As you embark on this journey, you need to remember the three main concerns that arise for online customers:


  • Security—With hacking and data breaches at an all-time high, customers want to know that their information is truly and completely safe. Our payment processing utilities conform to the highest security standards, and we remain on the frontlines of payment security technologies.


  • Privacy—Your customers don’t want to feel like your website exposes any personal information even beyond their payment details. You need to make sure that your web development provider creates a site that conforms to retail industry standards.

Ease of Use

  • Ease of Use—A cluttered, complicated site can turn off potential customers in mere seconds. From their first glance to completed checkouts, your site needs to be a seamless experience for your customers.

At AVPS, we want to help small businesses like yours grow through online shopping opportunities. To get started, contact a team member for assistance.
