Merchant Card Services: What is a Mail Order / Telephone Order Account?

Understanding MOTO Accounts: A Merchant’s Guide A MOTO (Mail Order/Telephone Order) account enables merchants to accept payments without the customer’s…

Debit Card Transactions: A Rewarding Customer Option

In the realm of personal finance, debit card transactions stand out as a preferred option for millions worldwide. They merge…

Electronic Payments vs. Acceptance of Credit

Credit transactions make it simple for a customer to pay for goods no matter where the location. Their wide use…

Merchant Accounts for Small Business: Know Your Processing Requirements

Accepting consumer credit payments has transformed from an option to a necessity for many businesses. In order to take any…

Merchant Account Services: Which Processing Category Matches Your Business?

If you are debating about adding credit as a customer payment alternative, it helps to know what merchant account choices…

Merchant Account Providers: Increasing Business Profit and Safety

The type of payments your business accepts directly affects the amount of profit made each day. Checks have become obsolete…

Accept Phone Payments: Flexibility Heightens Your Business Profits

Merchant services offer many alternatives to the more traditional types of payment processing. As opposed to paper checks or cash,…

Check by Phone Service: An Affordable Electronic Solution for Your Business

Although paying by paper check is not as common, it is still beneficial to your business profits to have an…

Why Use a Merchant Account for Your Business?

Any business in its earliest stages, or one planning to expand, can gain a customer advantage by accommodating credit card…