Choose Your Credit Card Processing Company With Great Care

Choose Your Credit Card Processing Company With Great Care

Choose Your Credit Card Processing Company With Great Care

Choosing a solid credit card processing company is one of the most important challenges in setting up a business.

Which Company fails to take good Care?

As you evaluate companies, check off these characteristics that are tall tale signs that a company will not serve you well.

Length of Time in Business

The field is flooding with fly by night companies which appear, say and do anything to lock into long term expensive contracts with many hidden fees, poor support and equipment. The good companies are the ones that have been in business for more than a few years.

Unstated or Vague Rates and Fees

This is where they take money from your sales and keep it. Be sure that each fee is clear and specific.

High Pressure Sales Tactics

Beware of sales people who use pressure tactics to hurry you to sign, deals that are only good for today, or incomplete paperwork.

Check Rating Companies 

Start with the Better Business Bureau.

Search the Web for Feedback on Sites

On sites such as Yelp. Review the company’s web site for the level of customer support. Call customer support and ask a question. Are they knowledgeable, helpful at reasonable hours?

AVP Verification Payment Processing Solutions has been an accredited business of the Better Business Bureau since 2006 and maintains an “A+” score.