Customer Feedback


Customer Feedback

Sharing Our Recent Customer Reviews

We wanted to take a minute to share just a few of the wonderful AVP Solutions customer feedback received recently:

Review by Robert, Saffire Vapor

Everyone at AVP Solutions has been great to work with, in particular Natasha and Robert. They’ve always been available when I’ve had any issues or questions and were happy to pull all the stops when I experienced business-halting problems. It’s always good to find a company who you feel is on your side.” – Robert, Saffire Vapor

Feedback from Whitney H. Hall

I can not recall having ever received such a high level of customer service and professional courtesy as I have had with you and AVP in a long time. You have delivered on everything we discussed since day 1. Thank you so much for making this such a smooth process and assisting my company with what seemed, at one point, an impossibility. I had given up until I found you! I look forward to working with you for a long time.” – Sincerely, Whitney H. Hall

Appreciation from Lane Simmons, Regal Travel & Cruise Inc.

I would like to take this time to thank everyone at avp solutions for all they have done to help our company. The process of getting set up was so simple , as everyone did all they could to make it fast and easy. I have enjoyed doing business with your company, everyone has been so professional and polite. I would recommend your company to anyone wishing to set up a good merchant. Above all I would like to thank you for all your help, you are such an asset to the company and I look forward to a long and lasting relationship between our companies. Thanks in advance for everything
Lane Simmons
Regal Travel & Cruise Inc
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