Post-Holiday Slow Downs Give Your Business Time for Strategic 2016 Growth Planning

Post-Holiday Slow Downs Give Your Business Time for Strategic 2016 Growth Planning

Post-Holiday Slow Downs Give Your Business Time for Strategic 2016 Growth Planning

Now that the holiday rush has passed, your business needs to focus on how to approach the New Year with an eye toward growth and profitability. Are you missing out on some easy strategies for more frequent customer transaction completion? We often believe that the biggest challenge simply lies in getting customers in the door or to our websites. However, savvy customers now have a world of possibilities in their smartphones. They easily compare prices, research competitive products or services, and make many shopping decisions based on digital offers or information. Take the time now to re-evaluate your goals for 2016, as well as how you can make your retail merchant account better work for your business.

New Year, New Perspective

Here are just a few avenues to consider as you approach your business strategies for 2016:

Is Your Website in Need of an Overhaul?

While many businesses focus on both appearance and ease of navigation, you also need to feel confident that your site can accept credit cards securely and process payments in accordance with industry security standards. Likewise, wireless merchant services definitely do not represent a one-size-fits-all industry. Make sure that you give your all your service providers a careful look to ensure you get the best rates and products.

When Was The Last Time You Took a Hard Look at the Competition?

We easily get lost in the stress of day-to-day operations, but even small businesses benefit from a little market research. When you remain aware and adaptable to what your customers want and what your competitors offer, you better adjust your strategies accordingly.

What is Your Growth Plan for the Year?

Do you anticipate adding new products or services? Maybe you need to refresh your marketing approach. Without identifiable goals, you can’t make the most of this regenerating season. Rather than see the post-holiday slow-down as an obstacle, view it as a unique opportunity to build toward a proverbial “spring cleaning/planning.”

As always, AVP Solutions proudly offers top quality merchant accounts and card processing solutions for businesses both large and small. Would you like a check-up on your rates, payment processes, and the latest in payment technologies? Contact a service representative and let us help you strategize for a profitable new year.