Smart Phones Make it Easy to Accept Credit Card Payments Anywhere


Smart Phones Make it Easy to Accept Credit Card Payments Anywhere

The Evolution of Cellular Phones

Astonishingly, technological advancements have surged in just a handful of decades. The 1980s introduced cellular phones, operating solely on analog frequencies, while the concept of portable phones remained a mere concept. Following this, the 1990s ushered in the era of digital phones, a trend that has only gained momentum, leading to innovations like mobile credit card processing.

From Digital Phones to Smart Phones

Advancing to the present, cell phones have evolved far beyond mere communication devices for calling your office or friend. Nowadays, they resemble mini-computers, boasting features once unimaginable 25 years ago. Smartphones, now ubiquitous, serve various functions – from emailing and working to listening to music, capturing photos, and even processing credit card payments.

The Rise of Mobile Credit Card Processing

That is why doing business today from any location has never been easier. Mobile credit card processing is available from AVP Solutions. We have more than 25 years experience providing business merchant account solutions and we’re ready to set you up to accept credit card payments.

Transforming Business Operations On-the-Go

Increasingly, mobile processing is emerging as the preferred method for professionals constantly on the move. This trend is evident among contractors, electricians, locksmiths, trade show exhibitors, and sports organizers, who are now utilizing smartphones to facilitate payment processing at any time and place.

Envision this situation: Upon completing a task at a client’s home, you smoothly process their payment by swiping their credit card using the reader on your smartphone. This immediate transaction guarantees instant payment, enabling you to quickly transition to your subsequent job. Truly, the convenience is exceptional, isn’t it?

AVP Solutions: Your Partner in Mobile Processing

AVP Solutions supports a wide range of smartphones and provides a credit card reader compatible with both Android and iPhone. This setup allows you to effortlessly swipe cards and proceed with ease. Once you install the app on your phone and connect the card reader, you’re all set to conduct transactions from any location. To explore more about mobile credit card processing apps and find the best fit for your business needs, check out this comprehensive guide on the Best Credit Card Processing Apps for Smartphones in 2023.

Trust and Customer Service at AVP Solutions

Trust your business merchant accountsolutions to a company that has proven growth and a dedication to customer service for customers around the world. We have customer service resources available 24/7.

Reach out to us today to discuss your business merchant account requirements. Inform us about your readiness to embrace mobile solutions, and we will swiftly set you up with mobile credit card processing!