Ongoing EMV Processing Transition. Is Your Business Letting Misinformation Cloud Your Decision-Making?

In a recent blog, we asked an AVPS colleague to report on how a variety of…

Senator Sets Sights on Slow EMV Rollout

We’ve reported here not only on the coming of EMV standards to American debit and credit cards — those “extra” chips that create unique codes for each sale…

Here Are EMV Quick Chips

There have been various impediments to the adoption of an EMV standard here in America — that extra chip on a credit or debit card that assigns every transaction a unique code, preventing the re-use of information…

Still Behind the Curve on EMV Chip Processing? Why Your Business Can’t Afford to Procrastinate

Though gas stations received an extension for the EMV liability shift, AVP Solutions is still seeing far too many businesses dragging their feet on upgrading their equipment…