Data Breaches Hit “All Time High” — Can We Keep Them From Getting Worse? (Updated)

All Time High was a good name for a James Bond film theme. But it’s an unwelcome descriptor for a trend in data breaches…

Record “Green” Predicted for St. Paddy’s Day Spending on Other Side of Rainbow

As the above-linked summary states, “spending for St. Patrick’s Day is expected to reach $5.3 billion, an all-time high in the survey’s 13-year history.

New Fintech Rules? The Yin and the Yang

Along with all the turmoil occupying our headlines these days, comes some under-the-radar discussion of potential new rules that could affect the financial sector…

SID, the Fed, and EMVs

In payments news, we see that the Fed has issued a progress report on its previously announced “Strategies for Improving the US Payment System”…

Breaches Predicted; Help is Coming

The CIO website is rife with predictions on coming cyber threats and data breaches for the coming year, laid out across several different articles.

Happy New Year! And In A Time of Breaches, “SID” Is Coming!

Of course, just because the calendar changes, that doesn’t mean the issues, ideas, and economic trends of the previous year suddenly “go away” either.

The “October Country” is also “The EMV Country”

Last year, in October, it was the “liability” swtich that mandated merchants switch to EMV-capable POS devices, or be left to reimburse any card fraud expenses themselves.

Payment Cards Set to Surpass Cash For First Time Ever

“Is this the beginning of the end for cash?,” a recent article in Marketwatch asks. No, we’re not talking about governments yanking currency and forcing everyone into an electronic payment system.

Pushmi-pullyu: Payments on the Coming “Internet of Things”

The “Pushmi-pullyu” is, of course, a llama-like character from the Dr. Doolittle books and films — one with heads on either end…