Ides of March: Ransomware Updates, and Welcome to “Fintech”

There’s no question we live in a time of constant change: rising seas, fraying politics, wired-up networks changing economies and business models almost as fast as they can be reported on.

Do You Use Mobile Phone Credit Card Processing? What You Need to Know Now

In fact, even pop-up roadside stands now have the ability to accept payments. As the world moves away from cash-based transactions, mobile…

Avoiding the EMV Chip Processor Upgrade? Why You’re Gambling With Your Business’s Future

With the movement toward secure payment processing via EMV chip cards, many small businesses are still resisting the required…

Of EMVs and Jackpots: Your Powerball Ticket Doesn’t Need a Chip — but Your Card Does

According to Forbes, “the hype around the Powerball far exceeds any market news this week,” and who are we to argue? Up through yesterday’s drawing, even number-crunching agreed…

A New Year Resolution for More Payment Security?

We’ve been watching the MarketWatch website since the new year kicked off, mostly to track the rather breathtaking gyrations of the stock market…

Are Your Customers About to Get Scrooged? Without the Most Secure Payment Processing, They May Be

Is your business feeling the holiday pressure yet? As much as we all look forward to this joyful time of year, we also face the stress that comes with it.

The True Cost of Fraud — And the Future Beyond Cards

We are at a kind of “nexus” in the world of payments already — between the old and the new, the secure and the not-so-secure, the wired and the wireless. So it may well be fitting…

Credit Offices Going through Changes, Difficulties

Your FICO score: As an individual, it determines your “creditworthiness.” Your personal score can even sometimes affect getting business credit, in the early days…

Back to the Breach — or “Who Watches the Watchmen?”

Experian is one of the three main credit reporting agencies whose reporting affects your FICO score as an individual. They also offer various “credit monitoring” services…