What Type of Business Payment Services do you need to Support Revenue Growth?

Some businesses will do anything to increase their revenue, except ask a simple question: do we have payment options that reflect our customers’ payment preferences? If this describes your business, it’s time to stop offering pay options that don’t meet buying preferences. When you offer the right payment options, customers can buy easier, which makes it easier to sell. Below are four merchant account services that help businesses accommodate their customers and support revenue growth.

Internet processing account

An Internet processing account lets you accept debit, credit, and electronic check payments through an Internet payment gateway. In addition to letting customers pay from their home computer or a mobile device, offering online check and card services also increases the number of customers a business reaches. Instead of only selling to consumers in your region, you can literally sell to millions of consumers worldwide.

Retail processing account

Processing debit and credit cards with an electronic card terminal is how many businesses earn most of their revenue. If you operate a storefront business that only accepts cash and checks, here’s a good reason to start accepting credit payment too: statistics show that the average cash payment is $9, but that the average credit payment is $40. Over time, a steady stream of credit buyers could increase a business’ revenue dramatically, especially compared to only accepting cash and checks.

Wireless processing account


Does your business sell at kiosks, public events, tradeshows, or upon rendering services at various locations? If so, it could likely benefit from a wireless processing account. Wireless processing accounts allow you to operate a wireless card terminal, or a mobile communication device as a payment terminal. If you only sell in-store, a wireless account is unnecessary. But if you sell out of store—even if you sell at tradeshows—a wireless account could offer a significant selling advantage.

Mail/telephone order account

If you think mail and telephone business payment services are in the past, think again. While many people make remote payments online, others prefer mail and telephone payments for their familiarity. This makes a mail/telephone order account critical for reaching the full spectrum of consumers. Mail/telephone order accounts allow businesses to accept debit, credit, and check payments through the mail and over the telephone.


The reason to act now

The longer your business goes without payment options that meet your customers’ preferences, the more they shop with your competitors. Unlike some tactics that support revenue growth, implementing merchant account services is simple: you contact a merchant service provider (MSP), who assess your business’ qualifications and helps select the right account options.

At AVPS, we have years of experience providing businesses with merchant accounts that support revenue growth. Whether your business is small, large, just starting out, has been around for a while, or is going in a new direction, contact us today and see how our services can assist your revenue goals. At AVPS, we provide services that make it easier for customers to buy, and easier for businesses to sell.