Customers Satisfied with Credit Cards — Are They Satisfied With You?

Customers Satisfied with Credit Cards – Are They Satisfied With You? In a somewhat surprise finding, J.D. Power and Associates…

Dealing with the Credit Card Companies Can be Simple

Does your current form of payment acceptance make it difficult for you to accept credit card payments?  Perhaps your merchant solution is charging you more per transaction than the sales are worth, or perhaps you simply don’t have a reliable retail merchant account at all.   Customers who pay by credit card often spend significantly more than those who pay by cash, and with this in mind, it is easy to understand why a convenient and affordable credit card merchant solution is critical.

Are You Encrypted?

Are You Encrypted? The Growing Threat to Convenience Stores and Small Businesses A recent article aimed at convenience store owners…

How Online Payment Services Can Help Your Business

Did you know that a vast majority of today’s consumers make frequent online purchases?  Did you know that most consumers today would rather buy an item online than have to drive to the store, wait in line, and then bring it home?  Online shopping offers a great deal of convenience in a time where convenience is increasingly hard to come by.  The economy is forcing shoppers to look for lower prices, while the need to work more hours while still tending to families and other obligations reduces the amount of time that people have to go shopping.   By offering online payment services, you make it easy for customers to purchase from you online while also offering your existing customers an easier way to pay their bills and manage their accounts.

What a Merchant Account Will Do for Your Web Based Business

Do you have a business that is based in the online world?  Whether you provide online services or simply use the web as a place to sell your real-world goods and services, you likely know that offering your customers convenience is as important as offering them high quality products and excellent customer service.  If you are currently relying on big name companies like PayPal, you are paying far more than you should be and severely limiting what your customers are able to do in terms of paying you.

Take Your Business Worldwide by Establishing a Web Presence

Take Your Business Worldwide by Establishing a Web Presence Expanding Your Market Reach Online Are you looking to increase the…

“Smart cards” headed this way — eventually

According to the Nilson Report,  one of the payment industry’s leading newsletters, the United States generated about 27 percent of payment-card purchases though accounts for nearly half of global payment-card fraud.