Customers Satisfied with Credit Cards — Are They Satisfied With You?

Credit Card Customer

Customers Satisfied with Credit Cards – Are They Satisfied With You?

In a somewhat surprise finding, J.D. Power and Associates released a study last week showing Americans Customer are happier with their credit card than at anytime in the past six years.  The study compiled results from over 13,000 customer surveys to show which banks and cards scored highest in key areas like customer interaction, the billing process, rewards, benefits and services, and problem resolution.

Stable Satisfaction

Company spokesman Jim Miller, credits some of the satisfaction to stability after the regulatory landscape of the last two years became somewhat settled, and fewer “cardholders experiencing changes in rates and fees,” which were “common complaints from previous years.”

Key Findings

The study also had other key findings of critical interest to readers of this blog:

  • When banks resolved problems with a single phone call or within the same day, consumers consistently awarded higher satisfaction scores.
  • Additionally, rewards credit cards were popular, with 18 percent of respondents saying the value of their rewards points had increased from the previous year.

On the flip side, identity theft and credit card fraud remained perhaps the most critical concern a majority of credit card customers.

What It Means for Your Business

Customers are regaining their confidence in credit card use, enjoying the rewards associated with their use, and constantly ensuring that the security measures are the latest and most advanced.

Are you offering additional rewards for your customers, for loyalty, multiple purchases, etc.? Also, have you upgraded security to protect them – and you — from fraud or “hackery?” Make sure your customer service is running smoothly, and don’t forget prepaid cards and other methods of payments for customers who may not have “regular” credit cards but want the same convenience while buying goods and services from you.

For additional ideas and help in any of these areas, call your AVPS rep today, so that your customers’ newfound satisfaction with their cards will also become satisfaction — and loyalty — with you.