Massive Consumer Spending Event Headed Your Way!

The National Retail Federation is out with their annual survey to estimate the breadth and depth of consumer spending for the unofficial American holiday known as “Super Bowl Sunday.” As an article in the San Diego Source noted, this Sunday’s “big football game between the San Francisco 49ers and the Baltimore Ravens is more than a sporting event — it is a massive consumer event.

Are Younger Consumers Shunning Credit?

Younger Consumers and Credit Card Usage: A Complex Picture Diverse Studies on Credit Card Use Among Younger Generations Conflicting studies…

How Will Credit Card Fee Changes Affect Consumer Credit Card Use?

Or  will they? As a follow-up to last week’s post about the late-in-the-year settlement on card fees, and how those might affect both merchants and consumers, comes this additional item in the Washington Post. 

New Year’s Changes: Merchant surcharges

Happy 2013 to our readers, and while this first January week may still find many of us in lingering “holiday mode,” it actually brings some “hard news” in the credit card processing business.