Halloween Spending, Holiday Trends — and Goodbye, Cash?

The Boston Globe says it succinctly: “Consumers may still be holding tight to their wallets after the recession, but there’s at least one occasion that doesn’t appear to have them spooked: Halloween.”

Making your Merchant Account Work for Your Business

Most business owners assume that they are at the mercy of their merchant provider, because they simply need to pay the fees in order to maintain secure transactions for their customers. The truth is that there are many benefits to working with a merchant services provider, and you can begin making your merchant account work for your business.

President Signs “BuySecure” Initiative For Consumer Card Fraud Protection

With data breaches become weekly occurances (if not more — the latest chain to be hit since our last post is Staples), the White House has attempted to step into the “breach” itself, with the signing of a new executive order that is part of a larger “BuySecure” initiative.

How Do I Get a Business Cash Advance?

One common question that we receive is regarding cash flow in a business: how do I get a business cash advance? Cash flow is a critical aspect to keeping a company running, and without proper cash flow it is possible for the business to have problems with the day-to-day functions of paying the bills. One option to consider is a merchant cash advance.

Why Secure Payment Processing is Important for Your Small Business

As a small business owner, you are likely looking for ways to save money in any area that you can identify. Sometimes business owners make the mistake of saving money by not using payment processing for their customers, which could result in bigger problems later on. If you want to protect your business and your customers at the same time, then secure payment processing should be implemented as soon as possible.

MasterCard Tips, the Final Chapter (Pt. III)

“First there was Heartbleed, then Shellshock, and now Poodle, yet another serious security vulnerability in yet another widely used piece of software that went unnoticed for years.”

What is a Virtual Merchant?

Any type of website that sells products or services online is known as a virtual merchant, because the payment transactions occur digitally. Even if you ship physical products to the customers who made the purchase, you still fall within the definition of a virtual merchant since the purchase was initiated online and all of the payment was made in a digital manner.

MasterCard Tips on Protecting Yourself — Pt. II

Since we last posted, J.P. Morgan and other banks have joined the “honor roll” of institutions which have been hacked, and had information stolen. According to a recent overview of headline-making hacks in the Washington Post, “J.P. Morgan Chase& Co., America’s largest bank, reassured its customers by saying that there was no evidence that account information, such as passwords and Social Security numbers was compromised.” OK, good. What was compromised? “Names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of account holders were accessed.”

MasterCard’s Tips On Protecting Yourself During “Bug” Season  — Pt. I

If you’re talking about the internet, online transactions, and electronic payments, unfortunately, you don’t have to wait for winter for it to be “bug” season – there are always plenty of “viruses” and contagions to command your interest!