Study: Fraud Up Over 100% Since Last Labor Day

According to the latest AAA survey, “cheap gas prices are expected to boost Labor Day weekend travel as revelers pursue a last blast of summer fun before autumn…

Affordable Card Processing Solutions

Is your small business struggling under the weight of operating costs? Even those owners with a history of business experience and acumen can find that the tools…

Millennials and Credit Cards: Yes or No? Or both?

A recent New York Times piece has made some financial news, declaring that  “data from the Federal Reserve indicates that the percentage of Americans under 35…

Increasingly Cashless in an Age of “Big Hacks”

We never want our posts to be about hacks or data breaches two or more weeks running. But as most of us find out, when checking the climate-shifted weather…

Stealing Payment Card Data “Dead Easy;” “Quickchip” Comes to NorCal

It’s a yin/yang, up-and-down week in payment and security news. Though to be sure, the downside hasn’t been “overly” down, in terms of major breaches…