Affordable Card Processing Solutions

Affordable Card Processing Solutions

Simple & Affordable Card Processing Solutions

Get Those Operating Costs Under Control with the Right Merchant Account Provider

Is your small business struggling under the weight of operating costs? Even those owners with a history of business experience and acumen can find that the tools they need eat too much into their profit margins. Payment processing, for example, seems like a system of fees you grudgingly must pay in order to provide your customers the convenience of debit and credit payments. In the modern market, you can’t forgo digital payment processing, either, but you can ensure that your retail merchant account is providing you the best and most affordable card processing solutions. Our AVPS team will help you determine if you can reduce those operating costs by giving your current payment processing a serious check-up. By taking a second look, you may find out that you are eligible for better rates.

Card Processing is Not “One Size Fits All”

Card processing set-ups that work for some businesses may not necessarily be right for yours. From mobile processing to retail storefronts, we specifically connect with our clients to understand their needs. When you partner with us, we’ll look at any factors to ensure we are giving you exactly the solutions you need:

Business type

  • Are you a wireless merchant/e-commerce business or do you have a physical brick and mortar location? (Or both?)

Customer volume

  • Will you need multiple payment terminals to accommodate your customers in a timely manner? If you have a website, how is your check-out process set up?

Physical location requirements

  • How your physical operations work may make some card processing equipment too large or restrictive. Mobile processing may be better for you.

Financial goals

  • Do you anticipate needing a merchant cash advance? We can help you better understand how your merchant account fits into your financial future and growth.

AVPS believes that, when you accept credit cards, your business should not feel like you are overburdened with hidden fees. Let us show you why businesses across the nation trust us with their retail merchant account needs. To learn more, contact a representative today!
