AVP Solutions Launches “SID” (SmartIDentity for Business) Training; Join us on April 19th

Our mission at AVP Solutions is to equip our merchants with the most comprehensive services and the highest level of customer service available. 

You May Need More Help Than Your Antivirus Software Can Give

A recent article in Slate’s “Future Tense” section has some sobering news: “In 2005, Panda Software reported that a new strain of malware was discovered every 12 minutes.

Things To Know About Merchant Cash Advances

Likewise, when some businesses do face challenges, such as facility improvements, inventory shortages, or simple slow-downs, they don’t know where to turn.

Affordable Card Processing Solutions

Is your small business struggling under the weight of operating costs? Even those owners with a history of business experience and acumen can find that the tools…

Payment Solutions for Sole Proprietors—AVPS Can Help Grow Your Business

Sole proprietor businesses help drive our economy, and make up an incredibly diverse pool of talents across all industries. From personal trainers to writers, housekeepers to consultants, independent entrepreneurs…

Merchant Cash Advances Help Businesses Take the Leap Toward Growth and Expansion

The leap—that magical moment when a small business is ready to take operations to the next level. The logistics of expansion present many challenges.

AVPS Offers Smart Merchant Account Solutions to Help E-Commerce Businesses

With the internet flooded with e-commerce businesses, you need to focus on marketing and growing your brand in order to stand out. But are you still stuck with those necessary…

Retail Merchant Account FAQs

Designed for stores and retail businesses of all sizes, a retail merchant account  is a system that allows you to accept credit or debit cards for sales of products and services. This type of account processes transactions when the card holder is present with the card being used.

“I Spy” More Changes in Payments, More Need For Security

As you know from being a savvy/frequent readers of these posts, the world of payments shares a critical motif with life itself: Change is the only constant. And by “change,” we don’t mean those coins in your pocket, left over from the last time you used cash. No, we’re talking about how the way payments are made is shifting, faster and faster — bringing along the need for constantly-changing security, as well.