If It’s Wednesday, It Must Be SID4B Training Day! (WebEX Link Inside!)

We’re excited here at AVP Solutions, as Wednesday, April 19th rolls around!
Not because it’s the day after Tax Day…

May the Force Not Be With You: Guard Against Fraudulent Force-Posted Transactions (Pt. 1)

Among the many types of hacks and frauds we warn about, or sadly have to post about (a report discussed by Reuters this week…

How To Overcome First Challenging Year Of Your Business

That’s why you need a carefully constructed plan that addresses your infrastructure, funding, staffing, payment processing, and goals for growth.

AVP Solutions Launches “SID” (SmartIDentity for Business) Training; Join us on April 19th

Our mission at AVP Solutions is to equip our merchants with the most comprehensive services and the highest level of customer service available.