Accept Credit Cards from Anywhere with a Virtual Terminal

While many businesses operate in a brick and mortar store or on the web, an increasing number of today’s businesses are much more mobile.  Not only are today’s business owners taking more time to network and even sell products at trade shows, but with the modern economy making things hard for more traditional workers, many of today’s typical consumers have become small business owners, selling handmade goods or their own services at craft fairs, flea markets, and other venues.

Coming trends: E-commerce becomes M-commerce

If you’ve picked up on “underlying themes”in recent AVPS blog posts, you’ve noticed that –aside from the seasonal entries on…

Online Payment Services and How They Can Help You Build Your Business

If you are looking to boost your business revenue, you need to perform a number of steps.  Boosting your Internet presence through SEO marketing can be a great step, but what are you doing to make it easier for customers to make purchases once they are on your website?  If you aren’t using the right online payment services, your revenues can really suffer.  Not only can high fees take a big bite out of your profits, but you will find that the wrong merchant card processors can actually make it harder for your customers to make purchases from you.

Dream of Working from Home? Become a Virtual Merchant

Dream of Working from Home? Become a Virtual Merchant The Appeal of Becoming a Virtual Merchant Are you looking for…

“Prepaid” on Customers’ Minds

“Prepaid” on Customers’ Minds Exploring Non-Card Payment Trends At the AVPS blog, our commitment is to keep you at the…

Why Go to the Bank When You Can Bring the Bank to You

When looking to move a business online, you will find that you have many options in terms of how you accept payments for bills or for your goods and services.  While many traditional banks offer merchant account solutions, these services are typically very costly and the rates and fees will depend on your credit as well as other criteria.  This can certainly be an option if you prefer it, but for many businesses, a merchant bank account is something that could better obtained from an ISO.

Got a phone? You’ve got check verification!

When looking to move a business online, you will find that you have many options in terms of how you accept payments for bills or for your goods and services.  While many traditional banks offer merchant account solutions, these services are typically very costly and the rates and fees will depend on your credit as well as other criteria.  This can certainly be an option if you prefer it, but for many businesses, a merchant bank account is something that could better obtained from an ISO.

Making Your Website Work for You

Moving a business online or creating a web-based business can be a great way to increase profits and to target a global market.  When you have a well-designed website that is properly marketed and that is being offered to people seeking your goods or services, the revenue potential is virtually limitless.  One thing that you will have to have in order to see financial success, however, is a quality Internet merchant account.  Your website merchant account needs to be able to do many things for you, and when you make the right choice, your website can really do everything that you need and more.