Being Able to Accept Credit Cards is Just One Call Away

No matter the type of business you’re in or whether you are a retail location, mobile location, or provide services at various homes and businesses, the ability to accept credit cards is a must. In addition to having the ability to accept credit cards, you need to be able to accept them in different ways such as at your physical location, via your mobile phone on the go or at any location your customers are at (flea markets, farmer’s markets, their homes, conferences, their businesses, kiosks, etc.)

Updates: California Senate Lets EMV Law Lapse; The State of Security

We wanted to update you on an item we ran last week, wherein California’s State Senate was on the verge of issuing its own mandates for a switch over to EMV standards in card transactions, setting April 1, 2016 as the date.

However, according to a report in Computerworld, “the full Senate missed the voting deadline of May 30, ending its chances of passage until a new legislative session begins.”

How to Secure a Merchant Account for New Business

Securing a merchant account for a new business can be tedious, frustrating, and sometimes fruitless. Many financial institutions simply don’t want the risk. And they have tens of thousands of customers so they feel they can pick and choose who they would like to do business with and that means they may choose ‘not’ to do business with you. They may feel you are too high of a risk or they may feel that your business won’t be profitable enough to make many sales, making it unworthy of their time or resources. Yes, that’s the hard truth.

What Is a Website Merchant Account?

A website merchant account allows you to accept payments online. Just like in a store, people need to be able to pay for your products or services and instead of swiping their credit card or handing you a check; they can simply enter their information on your website and make payment that way. You need a merchant account for your website whether you sell products or services partially online or wholly online so that you can make hassle-free sales.

EMV Vote In California While MasterCard Announces “Zero Liability” for PINs

The push for those chip-carrying EMV cards, which would make it more difficult for fraudulent transactions to occur, continues apace. In California, the State Senate is advancing a bill that would make April 1, 2016 — no fooling! — the date by which both retailers and card issuers would need to support the chip-and-PIN standard.