Avoid a First-Quarter Slow Down—Why the Post-Holiday Season is Still Rich with Sales Opportunities

Post-holiday sales opportunities with Effective Marketing Strategies

Avoid a First-Quarter Slow Down—Why the Post-Holiday Season is Still Rich with Sales Opportunities

With the rush of the Post-holiday sales opportunities behind us, many business owners settle into the New Year with expectations of a prolonged slow-down in sales. However, now is the perfect time to reevaluate your marketing strategies. Rather than assume your customers or clients struggle financially after holiday spending, think about how to utilize this time of year to your advantage.

Let’s Take a Brief Look at Post-Holiday Season Consumer Trends and Insights:

They Are In The Thick of Resolutions And New Beginnings

This gives health, beauty, financial, and fitness-based businesses the perfect platform for advertising. Furthermore, consumers also use this time to plan ahead for major changes, like home renovations, buying/selling homes, or relocating. Keep your business in their subconscious as they look ahead to these projects.

Tax Time is Just Around The Corner, And Many Consumers Will Experience an Influx of Funds From Their Tax Returns

This period presents a wonderful opportunity for businesses, and with the right advertising, you keep your business on their radar. From furniture and electronics, to appliances and home improvement, consumers often rely on tax returns to make those larger purchases they’ve put off or been unable to afford.

They Are Ready to Focus Their Dollars on Themselves or Their Homes.

After a season focused on gift-giving and entertaining, your customers finally want to see some of their money going toward their own wants and needs.

They Are Growing More Aware of 2016 Tech Trends,

including payment technologies, and they appreciate businesses who allow them to utilize their smart devices. Are you equipped to accept credit cards via smartphones or watches?At AVP Solutions, we aim to help our partners embrace the New Year with fresh ideas and the best card processing solutions to take advantage of every sales opportunity. Whether you have an existing retail merchant account and want to explore new options, or you need to set one up, contact us for help. Just as your clients embrace new beginnings in the New Year, your business can also take a more in-depth look at your first quarter marketing and sales strategies. Remember, every season presents unique opportunities if you just take the time to plan creatively.