Did Your Business Miss Out During the Holidays? Lack of E-Commerce Presence May Be What’s Holding You Back

Did Your Business Miss Out During the Holidays? Lack of E-Commerce Presence May Be What’s Holding You Back

Did Your Business Miss Out During the Holidays? Lack of E-Commerce Presence May Be What’s Holding You Back

In the post-holiday season sales analysis, one truth became glaringly evident: consumers much preferred to stay home, avoid the crowds, and shop online for those sought-after deals. Black Friday sales declined, while Cyber Monday demonstrated that the online shopping trend continues to grow in E-commerce presence. With the perceived equality in cost savings between brick-and-mortar locations versus online vendors, customers channeled their dollars toward websites.

So, what does this mean for your business? If you have not yet optimized your website for e-commerce, you are clearly missing out on an enormous customer pool. Your site is not just a vehicle for business information, store hours, and sales advertising. Without a full understanding and appreciation of modern e-commerce, you set your business back both in growth and financial health. As a provider of internet merchant accounts, AVP Solutions wants to help bring you up to date so that you never miss out on a sale.

Here’s What You Need To Know About Your Website’s Potential:

Your Website Can be Your Best or Worst Asset

Easy-to-navigate and updated sites encourage consumer encounters, while outdated or overly simple sites project the sense that your business as a whole is on the decline.

You Need Online Payment Services

Including the ability to accept credit cards and accept checks online. These options are not just for goods-based businesses. From gym memberships to medical bills, clients want the ability to pay online for all of their goods and services.

Websites Do Not Offer Instant Rewards

So understand it may take time to get a return on your investment. You have to take the time to promote your site through all avenues, like social media, radio,TV, and local events.

Without Clear Policies, Your Website May Invite Trouble

Your site should include return policies, payment policies, shipping policies, and all other relevant information. You should also include any disclaimers or related legal information for your protection.

Know When To Get Outside Help.

An unreliable or poorly functioning website creates a public image problem for your business. Make sure you have the right help setting up and maintaining your site.

AVPS believes that your website offers an important avenue for financial growth in 2016. To learn more about how our e-commerce payment solutions can help, contact our team to get started!