
Our Blogs

Credit Card Usage
Younger Consumers and Credit Card Usage: A Complex Picture Diverse Studies on Credit Card Use Among Younger Generations Conflicting studies
Or  will they? As a follow-up to last week’s post about the late-in-the-year settlement on card fees, and how those
Merchant Surcharges Changes
Happy 2013 to our readers, and while this first January week may still find many of us in lingering “holiday
Vintage Credit Card
The New Year’s cusp is always a good time for looking both forwards – -and backwards.  Especially when one considers
Financial Trends 2023
More Prepaid, More Credit: A Peek Into the New Year Financial trends 2023, as we bid farewell to 2023 and
Mobile Shopping Revolution
The trendlines — not to be confused with the weekend’s expanding waistlines! — are in, and changing shopping patterns, and
Pilgrim Economy in America
Pilgrim Economy: No Cash, Just Carry! Celebrating Thanksgiving: A Time for Gratitude Here at AVPS, we wish you a Happy
Online Business Growth
These days, many successful businesses have an online component. Even traditionally brick and mortar establishments are jumping into the online
CARD Act Changes
Under the CARD act of 2009, it actually became harder for at-home spouses to get their own credit card, as