Card Use Expected to Be Up This Holiday Season: Is Your Business Ready?

Holiday Credit Card Spike

Card Use Expected to Be Up This Holiday Season: Is Your Business Ready?

Rising Credit Card Usage in Holiday Season

Credit card spike projections for this holiday season remain positive. Recently, The Greensheet, a newsletter focused on the credit card industry, featured a compilation of these forecasts. According to many sources, this year’s holiday retail sales might surpass those of 2011 by more than 4 percent.

Deloitte LLP’s Retail Sales Projections

Deloitte LLP forecasts a surge in sales for U.S. retailers, starting from today in November and lasting until January 2013, with anticipated revenues exceeding $900 billion. Furthermore, they anticipate that about $36 billion of these sales will be driven by mobile devices, as shoppers increasingly turn to their phones and tablets for locating and comparing products.

Industry Optimism and Early Indicators

The round-up reveals that the payments industry widely shares an “optimistic” consensus. Indicators suggest that the groundwork for a robust holiday season began as early as August. During this period, many merchant portfolios experienced a 5% growth compared to the previous August.

Preparing Your Business for the Holiday Rush

Make sure your business is ready to take advantage of the expected rise in consumer spending, and that you’re ready to provide as many payment options as your customers want or need — from on-the-spot processing and mobile payments, to e-checks, and more.

AVPS: Enhancing Your Payment Options

AVPS can help you get ready, add to payment options you currently offer, and help make sure all transactions are secure!

Anticipating the Customer Rush

The holiday rush is already upon us, and some of that will be customers “rushing” in your direction! Make sure you’re ready — call AVPS today!