If It’s Wednesday, It Must Be SID4B Training Day! (WebEX Link Inside!)

We’re excited here at AVP Solutions, as Wednesday, April 19th rolls around!
Not because it’s the day after Tax Day…

May the Force Not Be With You: Guard Against Fraudulent Force-Posted Transactions (Pt. 1)

Among the many types of hacks and frauds we warn about, or sadly have to post about (a report discussed by Reuters this week…

AVP Solutions Launches “SID” (SmartIDentity for Business) Training; Join us on April 19th

Our mission at AVP Solutions is to equip our merchants with the most comprehensive services and the highest level of customer service available. 

Who Knew That A Better Deal On Credit Card Rates And Fees Was Simply Yours For The Asking?

Who knew that a better deal on credit card rates and fees was simply yours for the asking? Well, evidently everyone who picked up a telephone and dialed up and asked for it…

Record “Green” Predicted for St. Paddy’s Day Spending on Other Side of Rainbow

As the above-linked summary states, “spending for St. Patrick’s Day is expected to reach $5.3 billion, an all-time high in the survey’s 13-year history.

The Two Types of Credit Card Users: Churners and Chuggers

There are numerous pieces of philosophical shorthand floating around about there being “two types of people” in the world — those that like a certain type of entertainment or music, say, or those that don’t.

Beyond the Antivirus Software, Pt. II

As we write this morning, the internet is recovering from a partial loss of “the cloud” as Amazon’s S3 server had gone out, resulting in the shuttering of numerous websites and services.

You May Need More Help Than Your Antivirus Software Can Give

A recent article in Slate’s “Future Tense” section has some sobering news: “In 2005, Panda Software reported that a new strain of malware was discovered every 12 minutes.

A Brief History of the Unlikely Rise of the Credit Card

We don’t know if you’re in the habit of reading the venerable Christian Science Monitor, but they’re a reliable source of what remains real news…