Credit Card Processing Risk Management Solutions

Credit Card Processing Risk Management Solutions

What are the most effective credit card risk management solutions?

Busy Seasons and Transaction Security—Are You Putting Your Customers at Risk?

With summer only a couple of months away now is a good time for seasonal or tourism-oriented businesses to give additional thought to secure payment processing. This hectic season brings an opportunity for profit and brand-building, but it also entices word-be thieves to take advantage of the growing crowds. What makes seasonal businesses so attractive when it comes to card skimming, cloning, and the use of counterfeit credit and debit cards? Here are a couple of factors:

  • The busy atmosphere—When you are dealing with a large customer volume, you are more likely not to notice suspicious activity. From planting skimmers to using cloned cards, thieves know you are focused on getting customers served as quickly as possible. Likewise, you are less likely to ask for identification during credit card purchases.
  • Your outdated equipment—Many small, tourism-oriented businesses still have not upgraded to EMV chip processing. With their old swipe-type terminals, they make it easy for thieves to take advantage and spend stolen funds.

Credit & Payment Risk Management Solutions

As a leader in credit card processing risk management solutions, AVPS believes that these factors can be easily remedied with the right equipment and a few commonsense precautions. First and foremost, chip readers are available for even mobile payment processing. Once you have the right equipment, you need never let crowd levels compromise your credit card transaction security processes.

If a customer wants to make a purchase but doesn’t have a chip card, always ask for identification. Those extra seconds protect both you and them. Be vigilant and you can make your business unattractive to those who think they can take advantage of your success.

To learn more about how AVPS can help you have a safe, secure season, contact a representative today at 1-800-719-9198.





