How to Choose a Merchant Account Company


How to Choose a Merchant Account Company

To process and manage your business transactions, you need to secure business merchant services from a reputable merchant account company. But Choose with all of the merchant account companies out there. Choose

How do you Choose?

Here are a few tips for selecting your provider.

1. What Are Their Fees?

Fees vary from provider to provider and every penny adds up so you want to choose a reputable provider with the lowest rates to save you money in the long run. Just because a company charges less doesn’t mean they provide any less value.

2. What Is Their Customer Service Like?

Customer service isn’t just about answering a question about your account; it’s about having friendly, helpful people at your service to not only answer your questions but to teach you how to utilize everything and even to teach you ‘how’ to make money with credit card processing. You don’t want someone who is just going to set you up and move on to the next customer. A personalized experience, like the one most businesses used to provide 15 years ago but seem to have lost touch with, is important to establishing a happy, lasting relationship.

3. How Much Experience Do They Have?

Experience is everything in this industry. A company with at least 15-20 years serving merchants can provide you with a smooth relationship and keep you on the cutting edge of security and services. Someone with just a handful of years is still cutting their teeth.

4. How Quickly Can They Get You Set Up and Running?

When you’re starting a business, or changing merchants, you don’t have time to wait. Choose a merchant account provider that is dedicated to getting you running immediately.

AVP Solutions

More than 25 years in the industry and we can have you up and running in as little as 24 hours. Our world class staff is always here to assist you with any questions or problems you have and we will teach you everything you need to know about your system. Contact us today and experience quality merchant account solutions at the most competitive rates in the industry.