Away From The Brick and Mortar—Innovative Business Models Need Innovative Payment Solutions

Innovative Payment Solutions

Away From The Brick and Mortar—Innovative Business Models Need Innovative Payment Solutions

If there is one business trend that’s on the rise, it’s a departure from the brick and mortar storefront. From food trucks to farmers’ markets, ecommerce to pop-ups, creative entrepreneurs are getting away from traditional business models for innovative payment solutions. There are several reasons contributing to this trend. Some businesses have sought to minimize overhead costs in the aftermath of the financial crisis. New entrepreneurs are often hesitant to take significant financial risks in the early stages of their ventures.

News For Aspiring Business Owners

The good news for aspiring business owners is that this trend is proving to be a good one. It’s allowing new brands to start on a small scale and build a customer base.

Movement to Innovative Service Styles

As the trend towards innovative service styles continues to gain popularity, entrepreneurs are increasingly realizing the impracticality of operating as a cash-only business. In order for creative start-ups to thrive, it has become essential for them to incorporate mobile processing into their business plan.

Getting Mobile Processing Set Up

Including iPhone credit card processing, isn’t just about obtaining the equipment, and small businesses need someone on their side. As a merchant account solutions provider, AVPS specializes in setting small and unique businesses up with the right payment solutions, including mobile processing, check acceptance, and even smart ecommerce tools. From large retailers to sole proprietors, we help connect our clients with the right tools for success. And as for this growing trend of innovation?