Tips for Selecting the Ideal Merchant Account Company


Tips for Selecting the Ideal Merchant Account Company

Making Most of Your Website with Merchant Account Company

Making the most of your website means you need to choose a website merchant account Company.  This account allows you to accept payments for the goods and services your business offers, allowing you to expand your customer base and simplify the process of providing your offerings to a wider audience. As you prepare to either start your business or expand it to include internet sales and payment processing, it is important to compare several merchant account companies to find the one that is right for you.

Banks and Merchant Account Services

  • Banks. Some banks offer merchant accounts, but they are not, in fact, merchant account providers. Because of their widely varied services, banks find it easier to outsource this facet of the business to companies such AVPS to facilitate the sale and provide the Service to the merchant. Why get an account with your banker and then have to work another company, to get your account approved, the processing tools and the customer.

Comparing Fees and Costs

  • Stay informed. Before choosing an account provider, make sure you compare all of the fees and costs of each one. It may seem that because these providers offer essentially the same services, they should charge the same fees. This, however, is not the case. Fees for these accounts cover a wide range and some accounts that look inexpensive actually have hidden fees you may miss. Make sure you investigate each carefully and read all of the fine print, before you make your choice.

Avoiding Volume Caps

  • Say “no” to caps. You want to be able to grow your business with the demands of your customers. Some merchant card processors, however, place a cap on the volume allowed in an account each month. This means that the processor only permits a certain number of transactions each month. If you hit this limit at any time within that month, you can no longer process any transactions, meaning no more sales or the processor may hold all funds that were processed over the approved cap. This is not just frustrating to you, it can cause you to lose countless customers.

Gathering Information: Asking Questions

  • Get nosy.  Credit card processing solutions are at the core of your business success, which means you have the right to know everything about the providers you are considering so you can make the decision that is right for your business. Do not hesitate to ask the provider as many questions as you need to feel well-informed and confident. Find out about their experience, their customer service, their technology, and their customer satisfaction. Ask questions until you are ready to make a decision.

Choosing the Right Provider: AVPS Can Help

At AVPS, we’re happy to answer all those questions, until you’re ready to make a decision! When you’re ready to start asking, visit our Contact Us Page, we can help you make the decision that is right for your business.