Online Payment Processing: Preparing Your Website for Credit Acceptance

Online Payment Processing

Online Payment Processing: Preparing Your Website for Credit Acceptance

Setting Up Your Ecommerce Site

You have your domain name and a basic ecommerce site created to display your products or services, but where do you go from here? A buying solution is necessary when you are preparing to sell items online. You will need to have capabilities for listing products, shopping cart features, order tracking, and payment handling. Software used to accomplish web processing may be hosted, obtained from a licensed provider or created by your own web team. In most cases you can pull different components in based upon the current experience of your web developer. With so many shopping carts and tools already available, it would seem silly to online payment spend time designing these aspects unless customization is needed in processing. Budget, experience, and timeframes contribute to the choices made regarding your ecommerce site setup.

Integrating Online Payment Processing

Online payment processing is another set of services you will have to consider as your site is being prepared. An internet merchant account and gateway are vital components to online credit card transactions. Most providers offer a complete solution consisting of both components as well as additionally needed features. This solution is integrated with your shopping cart to create an easy flowing checkout process. It may also be in the form of an indirect setup where customers pay on the processing provider’s site. Once these components have been delineated, you can deal with web hosting space as well as complete the overall design of your website.

Accept Online Payments: Choose an All-In-One Processing Solution

The ability to accept online payments provides convenience to both your business and consumers. Many variations exist for how this service is arranged to work on your website; however, an internet merchant account and gateway are needed regardless of the arrangement. The gateway facilitates the communication needed to transfer received funds into the merchant account. Payments are deposited into your bank from the merchant account after the provider has subtracted all fees. The account portion may be acquired from your local bank or an ISO (Independent Sales Organization). An ISO can be viewed as a mediator used to accomplish data transmittal through the appropriate financial channels. ISOs can set the service up much faster, offer competitive fees, and do not expect as much as a bank does when applying.

Key Features of Your Online Payment Account

The account selected to accept online payments may have the following items:

  • the gateway
  • fraud protection
  • business reports
  • customizable customer receipts
  • multiple integration capabilities
  • real time authorization

Whether the selected provider offers a supplied gateway or not, it is a necessary security component for transmitting transaction data which may have to be paid for separately. You should always check to see if it is included in the offered services before making a final provider decision. Hosted ecommerce solutions are the easiest to incorporate with your website because they support many gateways. If you are looking for easy setup, fast, and reliable online payment processing, a third party service is the most reasonable choice in regards to cost and simplicity. AVPS internet merchant account solutions are not difficult to include as part of your website. We can provide your customers the buying power necessary to expand company earning possibilities.