Online Payment Processing Solutions

Online Payment Processing Solutions

Online Payment Processing Solutions

Take Your E-Commerce Business To The Next Level

Beyond Etsy and Commissions—Your Own Website Can Help Grow Your Business and Let You Keep More Profit

Online sites like Etsy offer entrepreneurs the ability to create virtual storefronts with ease, but their services often come with a higher price tag than many expect. They make their money through fees, but those fees come at nearly every level of the process. For example, Etsy charges a fee to list an item, then once purchased, they charge both a transaction fee and a payment processing fee. While many sole proprietors are willing to pay this cost, others want to grow their individual brands and shrink those operating costs.  If you’re ready to take your e-commerce business to the next level and want to ditch those commission fees, launching your own website is an excellent option.

Your own website is not just a way to sell your products to customers; it’s a way to cultivate a following, evolve your brand, and connect with potential customers across the world.

AVPS Is Here With All Of The Payment Processing Solutions You Need

At AVPS, we help businesses just like yours by connecting them with the right internet merchant accounts.

We give our clients the ability to accept checks and credit cards on their websites at the industry’s best rates. We also act as a partner in growth who can connect you with merchant account cash advances and other utilities that help support your financial goals. We believe that e-commerce offers incredible opportunities for entrepreneurs, which is why we want our online payment services to be easy, flawless, and dependable.

Take Your Website to the Next Level

As you consider transition to your very own website, remember the three basic rules for success: easy to navigate, visually appealing, and dependably functional. Many easy-to-setup hosting services are available, or you can invest in having an IT professional build your site for you. Regardless, your final site should represent your brand, your products, and make it a seamless experience for your customers.

Contact AVPS for Reliable Payment Processing Solutions

Remember that AVPS is here with all of the payment processing solutions you need, and we can’t wait to help your growing business thrive.