Is your Business Ready to Accept Online Payments?

As a business owner, you must be excited to start marketing and leading customers to your products. One of the last, but not least, is to find an Online payment solution that best suits your business on all levels.

Tips for Safer Online Banking

By and large, the internet has made the transfer of information much faster, and our lives much easier. Banking and transactions are no exception—over half of U.S. adults use online banking for their daily banking tasks.

Bitcoins: Opportunities and Risks Behind the World’s Favorite Cryptocurrency

Bitcoins are the first cryptocurrency ever created. We don’t want to overwhelm you with computer engineering terms…

Are You Using The Best Card Processing Solutions?

At AVPS, we believe that continued discernment is what sets great entrepreneurs apart from the rest. As we approach tax time, now is the perfect time to take…

Why Small Businesses Need A Web Presence

With so many small businesses struggling to remain viable in our economy, they often need to employ innovative strategies to reach both existing and new customers.

Online Payment Processing Solutions

Online sites like Etsy offer entrepreneurs the ability to create virtual storefronts with ease, but their services often come with a higher price tag than many expect.

Why Your Business Needs Online Shopping

We all want to support local businesses, but we also have become attached to the convenience of online shopping. This utility goes far beyond cost savings…

6 Tips For Creating A Successful E-Commerce

E-commerce allows people to turn their passions into thriving businesses, giving them a way to connect with customers from around the world.

Small World, After All: The Effects of Card Use on Global Economies

“Greater worldwide card use raises a number of questions.” We would concur, and in fact say that wanting to answer those questions for you, and your business…