After the Black Hats: Customers Keep Flocking to Online, But Keep An Eye on USBs

As reported last week, the Black Hat conference in Vegas has come and  gone, and left us with an array of news on security threats both tangible, and theoretical. You can find a good round up of this year’s “greatest hits” for the security conference, in this overview from PC World.

May You Live in Pinterest-ing Times: Social media and Holiday Shopping

Yes, we’re barely past Labor Day, and it’s already time to think of your customers’ shopping habits as the holiday season approaches. Indeed, you may have been thinking about such things before the last 4th of July sparkler was lit.

Follow-up: Senate Getting Ready to Hit “Send” on Online Sales Tax

Part of reporting financial, economic and practical news that helps your business, and illuminates the climate your business operates in, is to make sure we follow up on the “developing” trends and stories posted here. We wrote recently of the proposed online sales tax in Congress, where it seems after years of refusing to allow states to carry out such taxation in the “early days” of online commerce, it appears that the confluence of online retail being robust, mostly thriving, and clearly here-to-stay, along with the chronic budget woes of states, have combined to make a green light for such taxes likelier than ever before.

Card Use Expected to Be Up This Holiday Season: Is Your Business Ready?

Projections for credit card use this holiday season continue to be good. The Greensheet, a credit card industry newsletter, recently featured a round-up of projetions, with many saying that this year’s holiday retail sales could top 2011 by upwards of 4 percent. Deloitte LLP estimated that U.S. retailers will rack up over $900 billion dollars of sales between November (which starts today!) and January of 2013. And of that, approximately $36 billion is expected to be “mobile-influenced,” with
 shoppers using phones and tablets to help locate items, and comparison-shop between them.

How Does an Ecommerce Merchant Account Compare to PayPal?

How Does an Ecommerce Merchant Account Compare to PayPal? Ask people how they pay for online purchases, and many will…

Ecommerce Merchant Account: More Convenience for Both Your Business and Customers

Is your business considering offering the convenience of online credit purchasing to customers? Many businesses are these days. It provides a way to retain currently satisfied buyers. Additional consumers are far more reachable online than anywhere else. Ecommerce is the most lucrative way for a company to enhance their profits. This transition is becoming more common; however, it is only effective if done correctly from the start.